Guide to a happy family

Parents always feel they haven’t done enough for their children, no matter how much they provide. Children grow up counting the things they didn’t get rather than cherishing what they did. This constant blame and regret make both parties unhappy. How ironic, isn’t it? Whether it’s Ambani or a poor farmer, every parent carries some regret about what they couldn’t give their child. And every child, no matter how much they are given, thinks it wasn’t enough. If you really think about it, the root cause of this unhappiness is greed. The greedy nature of humans is to blame. The way to being happy is simpler than we think. Being content with what we have and knowing we did our best is enough to be happy. No one can give their child everything, and no child can ever have it all. Instead of obsessing over what's missing, let's focus on what is already there between every parent and child – love. After all, isn’t love the greatest gift of all? "Greed is a bottomless pit which exha...