Into the Realm of Fear

In the realm of the unknown, a shadow looms,

Twirling around me, in an abyss of gloom,

Gasping for breath, I softly plea,

'Let me wander, Set me free.'

Oh, dear one, you cannot see,

The depths of this fear, that cling to me.

For the fear of the unknown, though unseen,

Is the greatest tale, forever it's been.

In the hall of doubt, I waltz with care,

Dancing with demons, in the twilight air.

Yet in the dimness, a flicker is seen,

Hope dances in shadows, like a prince charming. 

Angels weep and stars align,

As I wish upon them, a love divine.

It's not a curse or a tale from a book,

But a story of courage, in every look.

In the embrace of hope, I find,

Strength to conquer, the dreams I hide. 


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