Reciprocity in Relationships

Today, I learned one thing: if you break someone's heart, expect your heart to be broken too. If you hurt others, it will come back to you. I had an outing planned with my bestie today. When I woke up, I felt lazy and didn't want to socialize or go out. So, I stayed at home for my own comfort. That was mean of me to do. I should have thought of her comfort too. I betrayed my friend and hurt her. Later, I apologized to her for not going, but deep down I know an apology cannot undo what is done. She said it's okay, but I know it's not okay. I have hurt her, and I should take responsibility for it. Next time when my bestie calls me out, I will do better and apologize through my actions.

Why did I put my comfort over my commitment? Why did I let my laziness take away my precious time with my best friend? In the calm of the night, I can clearly see what's right and what's wrong. I shouldn't have ignored her and slept in without telling her. It's not right to hurt her for my own problems. I should have talked it out with her. I shouldn't have thought only about myself. It's not about me; it's about us. Tiny sacrifices are needed to keep a bond going. One hand can't clap and make sound alone; we need both hands to make a victorious clap. Both sides should make efforts to maintain a relationship, or it will wither away without care. I feel guilty, and I am disappointed in myself. I have learnt my lesson. I will try to make better decisions and be a better person in the future.

Since I hurt her in the morning, I got hurt in the evening. That's God's way of giving punishment or karma or whatever we like to call it. What you give, you get back. Conservation of energy is real. So, give out love, and get back love.


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