Educated? Or Literate?

I'm often confused by the terms 'educated' and 'literate.' We call a person with a high degree 'educated.' People call a rich person educated even if they don't know his educational background. But when we see poor people, we usually label them as uneducated on instinct. When a poor man spits on the road, we call him uneducated with disgust. However, when we see a rich man traveling in a car throwing out a cold drink can, we don't jump to conclusions. We don't even mind it. Soon, a waste picker comes and picks up the can to sell it and earn a living. We don't respect the waste picker and hesitate to even approach them. There's this bad notion about them because of their job - waste picking. However, who is the educated one here? The rich man or the waste picker? I believe education is not the degree you study but the behavior you show. Education is learned not only in school but from the world around us. So, the other people like the waste picker who show educated behavior, why do we look down on them? They say education earns you respect. Why do we respect the rich man without even considering his behavior? Why don't we respect the rag picker? It's sad that money is associated with respect. Literacy is associated with respect. The meaning of education is lost in translation. Education is like nature; it's found all around us. Those who seek it learn from watching the world around them. It's a pity that nowadays the real notion of education is misunderstood, and its power is thus misused. Our literacy can be shown through our knowledge, but our education can only be shown through our actions.


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